





合格おめでとう! 次のレッスンに進んでください。

[PR] お買い得アイテムが大集合!買うならやっぱり楽天市場


[PR] お買い得アイテムが大集合!買うならやっぱり楽天市場

#1. 「当該商品」= the ( ) Product

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#2. 「配送方法」= the method of ( )

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#3. 「電信送金」= ( ) transfer

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#4. 「如何なる事由においても」= in any ( )

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#5. ( ) is to refuse to hand over or share; retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments.

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#6. A man spends 1/5 of his salary on food, 1/10 of his salary on house rent and 3/5 of his salary on clothes. He still has $18,000 left with him. Find his salary.

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#7. Your 65 year old grandfather who has a history of heart disease begins to have an attack of exertional angina while working beside you in his garden. He gestures towards a dark glass vial in his pocket that has a prescription label indicating it contains nitroglycerin triturate. How would you help him administer this dosage form? Choose the best answer from among the four alternatives.

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#8. ABC, herein referred to as “Seller,” agrees to ( ) into this contract with XYZ, herein referred to as “Buyer” on May 15, 2018, as follows.

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#9. Invalidity or ( ) of one or more provisions of this agreement shall not affect any other provision of this agreement.

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#10. IN WITNESS ( ), the parties have duly executed this sales agreement on the day and year first above written.

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英辞郎 on the WEB Proで語彙を極める