国際人養成講座(45)~国際人養成ブロガーFrankって どんな人?~


いつも講座を読んでいるのに、発信者である Frank がどんな人物か

ンデー風に[10 Questions]に答える形で、私自身の思いや考えを



■ 10 Questions
Name: Frank Yoshida
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Cosmopolitan development blogger
Likes: Going on a motorcycle ride, Kartracing, debating
Dislikes: Bureaucracy, elaborate meals, group actions

1. Where do you currently live?
In Kansai, in the vicinity of Osaka.

2. What do you like about living there?
Peaceful and quiet. Surrounded by greenery. Relatively comfortable living casually.

3. What do you think of Japan?
The food, of course. I think Japanese cuisine is number one in the world.

4. Do you have a favorite Japanese word or phrase?
I like “Bochi, Bochi Denna” (Just getting by) in the Kansai dialect. That doesn’t sound obtrusive, right?

5. What’s your favorite phrase in any language?
I’ve always liked the Spanish phrase “Buena suerte” (Good luck). Well, sounds sweet to me.

6. How many countries have you visited before?
Innumerable. To name a few in Africa, say, South Africa, Djibouti, Ethiopia, etc. The world over, you know.

7. You used to work at a trading company. Why did you leave?
I started to feel like getting into a rut at work. Nothing complained about human relationships.

8. Then, you became a corporate consultant. Were you cooking with gas?
Luckily, yes. I got plenty of jobs like establishing a trading company, negotiating with foreign lawyers, and whatnot.

9. Why do you teach Business English?
‘Cause I want to foster Japanese globetrotters of high caliber, you know. I put a lot of importance on debating skills, in particular.

10. Do you have any words of advice for young people?
An old adage says, “Curiosity kills the cat;” however, you’ll never grow up unless you keep curious. And aim high. Don’t give up on yourself easily. There must be your dream, just one step ahead of your utmost efforts.


では次回の講座を楽しみに b^^)



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〇 Frankと学ぶ高度プロフェッショナル講座:>こちら
〇 Mayaと学ぶオンラインチャットレッスン:>こちら

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