
Hi, there!

I’ve been into airplanes since I started to go on business trips abroad.
Blue sky, beautiful mountains, desert, and even seasonal rain looked
out a window onboard have fascinated me, along with several grueso-
me turbulences and air pockets.

My favorite airline company is Singapore Airlines because they always
fly new aircraft, and their inflight services are very adequate. Being Ja-
panese, I want to say the Japanese carriers are the best; however, I feel
uncomfortable sometimes due to their condescending services. I am
not as demanding as most Japanese business flyers do, so too much
service often disrupts my private time.

On my domestic business trip, I used to be a frequent flyer of the then
Japan Air System (JAS), for their inflight services are human-touch and
make me feel comfy. As the cultural level of Japanese travelers has en-
hanced, so the cabin crews of Japanese Airlines will not find themselves
necessary to provide Japanese passengers with excessive inflight servi-
ces, which, I think, is overkill.

Getting the drift above, today, let me try the word problem related to air-

One of Frank’s engineering staffers is designing the runway for an airport.
Of the plane that will use the airport, the lowest acceleration rate is likely
to be \(10\,m/s^{2}\). The takeoff speed for this plane will be \(80\,m/s\). Assum-
ing this minimum acceleration, what is the minimum allowed length for
the runway?

Here is my solution to the problem.

Providing \(vi = 0\,m/s, vf = 80\,m/s\), and \(a = 3\,m/s^{2}\),
find \(vf^{2} = vi^{2} + 2・a・d\).

\((80\,m/s)^{2} = (0\,m/s)^{2} + 2・(10\,m/s^{2})・d\)
\((6400\,m^{2}/s^{2}) = (0\,m/s)^{2} + (20\,m/s^{2})・d\)
\(\frac{(6400\,m^{2}/s^{2})}{(20\,m/s^{2})} = d\)
\(d = 320\,m\)

I am really looking forward to traveling abroad using Singapore Airlines in
the near future.

Stay tuned, and expect to see my next post.

Keep well.

Frank Yoshida

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【グローバルビジネスで役立つ数学】でもっと学習する b^^)


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