
Hi, there!

My teaching background stems from my university days. I started teaching
English at a cram school when I was a freshman, for I wanted to pay college
tuition by myself.

There were a lot of naughty graders in class, and I had no choice but to teach
in a draconian way not to mess up the academic atmosphere in my classroom.
However, I hit it off with them before long and increased the number of lessons
in my syllabuses.

I joined a trading company fresh out of college; however, a decade and a half
later, I resumed teaching at a vocational school after quitting a trading com-
pany until I started my consulting business.

At any rate, teaching seems to be part of my entire life. I don’t know why. The
experiences helped me give a presentation and organize panel discussions at
business, though.

Today, let me give an elementary school-level calculation a try.
Here comes the word problem today.

Next week your Business English teacher Frank Yoshida is giving a chapter
test worth 100 points. The test will consist of 40 problems. Some problems
are worth two points and some problems are worth four points. How many
problems of each value are on the test?

It would have been an onerous task if I had been asked this question the fo-
llowing day after I had gone on binge drinking.

Here is my solution to the problem.

\((P✕2) + (40 – P)✕4 = 100\)
\(2P + 160 – 4P = 100\)
\(2P = 60\)
then \(P = 30\)

30 for two-point questions and 10 for four-point questions.

You might want to practice teetotalism from today if you
cannot reach the correct answer.

Stay tuned, and expect to see my next post.

Keep well.

Frank Yoshida

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【グローバルビジネスで役立つ数学】でもっと学習する b^^)


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