
Hi there!

Job placement or relocation happens a lot in the corporate world. Someone is transferred to another section, and others are relegated to a local branch in a rural area.

Meanwhile, one feels happy when coworker person A gets transferred to another section. Another feels unhappy because their department loses its competency because of person A’s relocation; however, that’s how the cookie crumbles.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have been transferred to many sections and projects when I was an underling, so consequently, I’ve accumulated a lot of experience working in various places worldwide. I’m not sure whether my previous department coworkers missed me or wanted to throw me out of the office.

Nothing let me down, for all’s well that ends well.

Today, let me challenge the word problem that peruses how one move influences the balance of things.

Carton box A weighs 5 kgs and one B 4.5 kgs. There are 20 small boxes, each of which weighs 0.1 kgs. Once we had divided the small boxes between box A and box B, box A was heavier than box B. Then, we moved one small box from box A to box B; box B was heavier than box A. How many small boxes were packed into box A in the first place?

Here is my solution to the problem.

When packing \(x\) pieces of small boxes into carton A, you find the magnitude relationship as below.

\(0.1x + 5 > 0.1(20 – x) + 4.5\)
\(x > \frac{15}{2} = 7.5\)・・・ (Ⅰ)

Next, when decreasing one small box out of carton A and increasing the one into carton B, you find the magnitude relationship as below.

\(0.1(x – 1) + 5 < 0.1(21 - x) + 4.5\)
\(x < \frac{17}{2} = 8.5\)・・・ (Ⅱ)

Let’s find the common range of (Ⅰ) and (Ⅱ).
\(7.5 < x < 8.5\)

As \(x\) is a natural number, so the answer is \(x = 8\).

Therefore, the number of small boxes in the original carton A is 8 pieces.

Today, again, my Yellow Chart Math Ⅰ+A navigates my study in mathematics. Well, it goes without saying that job sculpting can be the last resort for the best job placement.

Stay tuned, and expect to see my next post.

Keep well.

Frank Yoshida

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【グローバルビジネスで役立つ数学】でもっと学習する b^^)


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