
Hi there!

I am in the natural aging process, and I believe, “So are you.” Whatever makeup you do, it is next to impossible to conceal your aging unless you have an elixir or panacea to stop senescence.

I was utterly fearless in my early twenties to thirties;

――taking a stroll at midnight in crime-plagued cities in Latin America,
――consulting with a client who defies threats of land sharks in Southeast Asia
――having a series of skirmishes with an alleged mastermind with local lounges in Europe

There is countless other reckless stuff I encountered.

To put it snappily, I opted for the most daring move to show off my guts and feelings. It might be a kind of man’s trait or idiosyncrasy to materialize or crystalize what I wanted to do.

As time goes by, I’ve mellowed out and become able to see things from a bird’s view. I find myself comfortable accepting this natural process of aging. Am I at the age of receiving an annuity? I’ll leave it up to your imagination.

Today, respecting mother nature, let me challenge another linear inequality word problem.

Find all double-digit natural numbers that satisfy inequality \(6x + 8(4 – x)>5\).

Here is my solution to the problem.

From \(6x + 8(4 – x) > 5\), we can get \(x < \frac{27}{2} = 13.5\).
As \(x\) must be double-digit natural numbers, they become \(10\leq x\leq 13\).

Therefore, the answer is \(10, 11, 12, 13\).

Today, again, my Yellow Chart Math Ⅰ+A navigates my study in mathematics. Come to think of it, Humanities major Frank helped chart a client’s course toward problem solutions in my bygone consultancies.

Stay tuned, and expect to see my next post.

Keep well.

Frank Yoshida

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【グローバルビジネスで役立つ数学】でもっと学習する b^^)


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