
Hi there!

The budgetary meetings in my trading company were a mighty pandemonium, especially within a year or so after I joined the company. Kicking off an overall evaluation of the previous quarter, the export director scrutinized the upcoming half-a-year sales target section by section.

――How come you spend a lot of time nurturing a tiny client?
――Can’t you increase the number of shipments double compared to the previous fiscal year?
――Why can you expect the sales turnover to increase by 20% after the Messe Frankfurt in Germany?

Once our project and its sales target were found a pie in the sky, we often became a punching bag for the executive. Conversely, the management made their perusal perfunctory if the last quarter showed an excellent outcome.

Truth be told, nobody can see the future through a crystal ball. Whatever ideal strategies you may have, some businesses go well, and others go wrong. Goodness knows what will happen tomorrow.

During my tenure in office, I saw a sales representative in charge of the Islas Canarias establish tremendous business and receive a significant incentive from the company president as the Employee of the Year. The thing was, he was growing a mom-and-pop shop into a prominent trader in a few years.

We have neither cardinal rules about business nor a bible for success. All we have to do is stick to our goals and hold on to tenacity.

Today, let me check whether the following simultaneous inequality has an answer.

Solve the inequality \(4x + 3\leq 5 x\leq x – 4\).

Let’s solve the problem one by one.

Fistly, from \(4x + 3\leq 5x\), we get \(x\geq 3\).
Secondly, from \(5x\leq x – 4\), we get \(x\leq -1\).

Then, we don’t have any common range, so there is no answer to the above simultaneous inequality.

You see, there is no rule without exceptions; however, there is a word problem without any answer. Today, again, my Yellow Chart Math Ⅰ+A navigates my study in mathematics.

Stay tuned, and expect to see my next post.

Keep well.

Frank Yoshida

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【グローバルビジネスで役立つ数学】でもっと学習する b^^)


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